
Public Tenders and Contracts

Public Tenders and Contracts
Public contracts and tenders represent a very high percentage of public spending and offer a good business opportunity to private and autonomous companies that obtaining contracts that different Administrations agree with in the private sector.

These procedures are regulated by Royal Legislative Decree 3/2011 of November 14, which approves the consolidated text of public sector contracts, except in certain sectors, which will be governed by Law 31/2007 on procurement procedures in sectors of water, energy, transport and postal services, or by law 24/2011 on defense.

The Administrative Recruitment Advisory Board, attached to the Ministry of Economy and Finance, has the character of an advisory body of the State Administration, its Autonomous Organizations and other State Public Entities, in matters of administrative contracting and also performs the functions that the current legislation attributes to the classification of contractors, the preparation of official indices for the purpose of price revision in contracts and in relation to the Contracts Registry.

Montelongo Asesores advises companies that attend these administrative processes, works contracts, supplies or services, on completing files and specifications, guarantees, indemnifications, access to the Codice Project (Interoperable Components and Documents for Electronic Contracting), classification contractor of the State, monitoring of awards and opening of contracts, Public Registry of contracts, appeals, challenges, nullity issues, etc.

In companies that already operate with the public sector, we advise on price indexes, unseen invoices or certifications, interest claims for non-payment of invoices, etc.